Friday, May 6, 2011

Reflecting on TCF

I have loved loved this class. When i signed up for it I wasn't really sure what i was getting myself into. Looking back on it now i am so glad that i decided to sign up for this course. I learned so many interesting things about how social media worked. As we all know the tornado hit this past week and this sent me in to panic mode. The town that i have grew up in was devastated. My dad is a minister at a church here in town and we immediately started to get to work with volunteering. The church i attend is Calvary. Its a pretty big church so we had lots of people to help and since i have a boot on i knew that my help would be a tad limited. When i realized this all i could think about was this class. I thought about all the times we talked about advertising and how to get the word out to other people. I immediately picked up my phone and started tweeting the Tuscaloosa news and James Spann! After I tweeted them I got a crew of 7 people to help me start calling the radio. We called ourselves the Social Media Crew. We sent out so many tweets and the Tuscaloosa news and all the radios were relaying our messages as soon as we got them to them. After the Tuscaloosa news and James Spann started to retweet my phone started going off like crazy!! People were mentioning me and retweeting me left and right. I knew that this was something little i could do but it took off and made me proud. When people would walk in with donations they would say we saw that the Tuscaloosa news retweeted this and the older people of the church were in shock. They couldn't believe what was going on. We tried to explain it to them but they honestly didn't understand. I am so glad i took this class and got to learn about all the different things that are going on in the world that we live in today.

Final Project!
(I hope this works i am not forsure if it will)

When I started on my project I decided that I would do a video. Needless to say i ended up doing a slide show! In my slide show the idea i had was to have the videos i thought were the most interesting about my topic and put them in with my slideshow. I asked many questions that went through my head as i researched and wanted to get other peoples opinion and then discuss the real life matters of the questions. I was planning on my presentation to be lots of discussing and digging into the matters on hand so its kinda hard for me to type about it but i can not help the tornado came. The moral of my entire project was that no matter how little information you put online there are creepers out there who can figure it all out and find out exactly where you are, as well as is it healthy to put so much information online about your life? I put two separate videos in my project that talk about two separate things. One talks about how this guy is getting a divorce and he keeps a video of the divorce. Some say this could be considered a vlog but i think that this is not considered that considering it is on youtube and not on a site that is made for vlogs. is it to much to put that online? this could be controversial and taking two separate ways. I discussed with many people on  my hall at Tut what they thought and i got mixed views. With all these mixed views i was sure that in our class i would have two separate sides as well. Some of the girls said that they didn't think it was ok because what if the parents little kid found those videos or if other people found them that could be considered really embarrassing. On the other hand their are people that think it is ok because what if he or she did not have anyone else to tell their feelings to. I wish this horrible tornado didn't come so i could do this in class :(

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do we really live in public?

Last week in class we watched a video called We Live In Public. This video blew me out of the water. I had no clue what to think or even know where to begin to think. I thought it was so weird how they put them in the things under ground to study them. Considering he got bored i do not think the people ever actually got  studied. The way they lived in the public through the videos was crazy and i am more than positive that i could never do that! the way they had sex and were all over each other was ridiculous and i think that they did it just for all the looks. i am sure that many of the people that watched their videos had little of no life anyways considering as soon as something intense happened they would all jump on their computers. that just goes to show that their relationship was all made up of what they would talk about after they did it. This could not have been healthy for their relationship or for there personal life. When they broke up everything started to slow down and deciding to cut off LIFE IN PUBLIC was a great idea. It was so uncalled for and not healthy. I think that it is very interesting how much he accomplished and how many times he would get bored and want to move on with life! its more than crazy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So there is probably just a few sports i have not given a chance to in my life. One of these sports is Golf. My entire family besides myself plays golf but i have not found that passion. My younger brother loves golf and plays it any time he has a spare moment to pick up a club. Even if he is not out on the course you can catch him hitting balls down the hall of our house or even in the TV room. Today he had a huge match!! It was the city county tournament and he was a tad bit nervous. I have never been to one of his matches before so today i went. It was very different from the sports i have played but was still awesome. My entire family was at the course and it was so fun to just spend time together and watch my brother. He played as the number #3 seed because he is just a sophomore so the seniors got the 1 and 2. This put less pressure on my brother and he kicked butt! it was so fun to just sit back and enjoy time with my family without having anything major to worry about! It was just a great time that reminded me how much I put off on my family and expect so much from them and how i do not even acknowledge them for the things they do for me. I love how God will just remind you of little things like this! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have had so much going on in my life lately and from the experience i had last weekend i have learned that I am soo soo soo selfish. I had the opportunity to lead 6 and 7th grade girls at a disciple now and through those cute little girls i learned so much. The main thing that I Learned is that in my life i have been blessed with so much and i go through my daily life being so upset about one little thing but in reality my little upsets are nothing compared to what some people are going through. I learned that when searching for my passion i don't need to search in my feelings because at the end of the day my feeling are not going to make or break me and i serve a risen God that has given me a chance at life and that he paid the ultimate price for me to be here on earth so i should praise him for that day i have and forget about yesterday because his plan is bigger than mine and if i am in a bad mood from yesterday i wont listen to what all He has to say to me. Its crazy for me to think about the fact that these little girls are searching for God so strongly and have so much passion that at that age i did not have or even have anything close to what they have. God always send little gifts that remind you who you are and what he has in store for you if you listen. Even when life gets crazy and you mess up all the time he will always pick you up and tell you he loves you!


1. In your opinion, is sampling a form of copyright infringement? 
Explain your position
- I think that sampling is in no way a form of copyright. I feel like if someone was using mass amounts of time of one song or another that it would be copyright but not just a couple seconds here and there. Many people think that the beat should not be stolen but in all reality someone could make a beat today and tomorrow that exact same beat could be recreated a day or two later. I am sure that there are many instances like this that happen all the time. If i was the one who made this beat or even wrote the song I am sure that i would feel a little different but from the outside looking in i think that it is wrong to consider sampling as copyright.

2. Some people, such as Lawrence Lessig (a founder of Creative Commons), say that technology enables more creativity, others feel that new technology allows musical artist to take the easy route and just patch together pieces of music created by someone else.Where do you stand on this issue? Where do you think the filmmakers stand?
- I believe that you can look at this issue both ways but that both ways are true/not true. Technology allows the artist to make cool sound effects or even to speed the process of making the music together because they could mess up on one single word and instead of starting all over they can just patch it together. Is this lazy? Some say yes it is but most of the people that feel this way are ones who never had the opportunity to use this technology so therefore they could just be a tad jealous. I think that the people that made the film feel as if it is lazy because through out the movie they talk the entire time about how they have never got the credit they think they deserve for all the beats and music that they made. They make a good point about this but its time to move on with life and except the fact that we have technology.

3. Does re purposing a piece of music always have a detrimental effect on the way the original recording is perceived? Does it always cut into the profits of the owner of the original recording? Why or why not?
- When pieces of music are redone there usually is a huge gap in time between the time that the song was originally recorded and the time it was recreated. With this said I believe that yes it can change that was it is perceived but not the profits from the original owner. As time passes the lingo and the way people think is changed.So if a song was written in the older days it could be innocent and sweet but could now be taken by a teenager today as perverted. This fact is sad but its so true. Usually if there is a big time gap there will also not be many people buying the original song. If there are a good bit of people in all honesty it is going to be people who lived in the time period of that song and they are going to care nothing about the new song that is put out.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Im never in the right place at the right time!

   Last Wednesday i was sick and didn't get to com to class. As soon as i saw Lena i knew i had to find out exactly what was going on because i feel as if it is really easy to get behind in this class. She told me that i missed out on a awesome class so then i was even more bummed because i had been miserable on Wednesday and missed out on a total party :( I was informed that two way cool people named....

    So needless to say after i found out their names i got on the computer and had to check them out. I found out that Waajeed is a very good producer and has made his way up in the jobs of producing and that Invincible was named best female hip hop artist in 2008 in Detroit. They look like a big party and i seriously hate that i missed out on getting to chat with them. I am also so excited to see the video that they made with the older film students. I'm sure it will be amazing! Lena also informed me that everyone in the class got filmed and had to tell there name and all that jazz so I'm not really that upset that i missed that!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Citations for Final Project

For my final project i will be using many difrent social media sites and have not finished deciding what parts of them i will use but i will be using:

1. Youtube
2. Twitter
3. Facebook
4.Blogger react to a religion quiz. (2010, October 1). Retrieved from
5.Gay rights: an audience online. (2010, March 11). Retrieved from
6. Pew Research center
Pew research Center, Initials. (n.d.). Privacy policy. Retrieved from

The rock and roll of the digital generation. (2010, December 9). Retrieved from
Patients seek moral and medical support online. (2011, March 3). Retrieved from

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life on the Web!

Online Info

Thesis: When someone commits a crime or does something wrong is it fair to put what they have done online for many people to see or should all of that information just be between their families and the police or sheriffs?

      The article i found on LexisNexis is about a lady who was seen on a video picking up a cat by his fur and throwing it. To many different people this video can be looked at in several different ways. Some say that this video could be considered animal abuse but many other people made valid points about the video in my article. They went on to talk about how a man on YouTube got thousands of views when he posted a video of a man dressed as a cat putting a video in a can. This video was directly related to the lady who had thrown the cat. When the owners found the cat in the garbage they quickly went out to find who the lady was that had thrown the cat in the garbage. Soon after they started the pursuit to find the lady her name,address and other information was all over the web.  She not only had her information all over the web but she was having death threats sent to her at home and at work. Posting things on the web can be very dangerous but might also help people out in many different situations that we are put in.A year ago district attorney Brett Ligon in Texas announced "he will put all the people that were arrested for being drunk or drunk driving on twitter." I feel as if this would be a good idea for many states to start going to and no its is not the person that actually committed the crime but this could possibly make it where people will be too embarrassed and will cut back some. Some people feel that this is a way of calling them out but they can find it in the newspaper anyways so its not actually most different besides people use online more than they get a newspaper or even check the newspaper online.Warren Dieprram stated "if a person is found not guilty on then i will remove their name form the tweet or online from the site i put them on." Some counties that have tried to go to tweet and put the information on facebook have found that the replies that they get back are racist and could even become dangerous. I feel like these are a good idea but most be monitored in order to make sure that they work out like they should.

Holson,Laura M. "The New Court Of Shame is Online." New York Times Company. New York: 2010

Friday, February 25, 2011


Honest mistake or just flat Dumb??
       So in all honestly i have very few words to describe the movie Catfish. It was extremely interesting but also very out of this world. It made me think a whole lot about what was being filmed and what was being said. One of the main things that really got me thinking was the question "Is this real or is it all fake?" I really thought the movie was real throughout the first couple of minutes. I then really began to wonder when Nev was wearing and doing the same thing in two different parts of the movie. The first time this was shown was before we ever even knew if he was going to do the movie or even see if he was going to carry on a relationship with the family. The second time he was on the phone with "Megan" or so he thought that he was. Does this show that he is really lonely and looking for someone to talk to or is it a mistake that any one of us could have made? This question brings out many different sides to the story. The paintings were so pretty and looked amazing so was he really thinking in his head that an eight year old painted these? I feel as if that is a very unrealistic thing at such a young age. Also i think it is very odd that every single time he wanted to talk to Abby she was not able to come to the phone. I feel like there were soo sooo soo many signs saying that this isn’t true but he never picked up on them. All the work that went in to this big lie was incredible. I believe their really has to be something wrong with Angela. I understand that there is a lot going on at her house and that she obviously is very lonely but taking it this far is crazy! I think it could even be considered identity theft for her to go to the extent of everything that she has. Yes, their pictures where put online and we all put pictures online but stealing them and making them your own is not normal. She also continued to lie about knowing them straight to Nevs face. You would think after all the lying she has done and all the pain she has put him through that she would just stop and be honest. I don’t understand why this happened but both sides of the story are pretty weird! If you really think about it both of them could have really gotten themselves in danger and Angela really needs help. One question that i have been really wondering about is if she ever got help? Did someone see the movie and decide to help her?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Could My______ Be Harmeful??

       Myspace can take a life!

        This past week i spent some time going through and reading what all people had to say about myspace. Their were some interesting comments made as well as many diffrent sites that talked as myspace being used to bully kids. I was very interested in the story about the 13 year old girl so i got lucky that it was the first thing that popped up on google. Megan Meier was the young girl that took her life in this case. A man made a fake account and talked to her pretending that he was only 16 and told her really mean stuff like "the world would be a better place without her." Who would have ever known that something like myspace could lead to something that terrible. The man that was accused of this told the judge and jury that he is not guilty of this crime. I guess he is dumb and has not read the article that we had to read! It is so much easier for inverstigators to go in and find out all that happened behind the words or pictures on the screen. When i was younger i had a myspace and i can still remember all those creeper people that would try to add me as a friend and i always excepted them and looking back i have no clue why the heck i ever did that. I am very lucky that i never had to encounter a mean man such as the one that made this poor little girl take her life. Little words can make a diffrence in a life.,2933,356056,00.html (Story about young girl)

Tracking the bad guys

        The article that we were REQUIRED! to read was a very interesting article. I find myself dreading the face that i have to read or watch videos for this class but a couple minutes in to them i am all about them. I had no clue of all the things the police could do through social networking sites. You would think that many of the people who where posting the things they do would think about the fact that others could see the things they were posting. So as much as these sites have been leading to bad things in the world they have also been leading to many other things that are good for the world and for the people in it. So many people think its way cool to post a picture of them with a gun but what if somebody they knew was killed with the same gun they had in their hand? Even if they werent the ones to shoot that person the police would go to them as one of the first suspects. Getting online and checking out the social networking sites can either be a good thing or a bad thing and lately they have all been good. They have helped save lives and put all the bad people behind bars.

Who are you on Myspace?
    Myspace makes it where you can change who you are or be the real you. Many people change their looks and age. This can cause many people problems but they do not care and do it anyways. It also is where many people put their music and try to become something big. But with so many people trying to be famous who will ever really make it? should they try Youtube?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snow Day

        So last week it snowed and it was sooo soo pretty! so i decided that i would go out with some of my friends and take some picture! i love to take pictures and recently just got a new camera that i have no clue how to work so it was fun to get to go and test it out around town.
         We had so much fun playing in the snow and taking pictures! it was super cold and i had tennis shoes on so the snow like melted through the mesh and that was just bad news! man i dont think i could feel my toes for hours after we went out there! it was crazy cold!!!!!!! while we were out by the bridge a train came and it was just the engine and i have never seen that so it was pretty funny because we expected a actual long train and all we got was a short little weanie one! haha 

What used to be CoOL!

BBC'S Virtual Revolution
              When i started to watch these videos i was not looking forward to them at all. I thought that they would be long boring and stupid but i watched them anyways(I mean Krotoski did spend ten entire years working on them). While watching them I learned many different interesting facts. I believe that some people such as Chris Anderson take posting stuff on the web to the extreme. He thinks that you shouldn't post a picture ever. But the reality is if you are safe with the picture and don't do dumb things like talk to people you don't know you should be fine. Also, if you don't put scandalous pictures online your pictures will not be traded by other people. It is hard for many kids to know what is wrong to do on the web because they are so young so if parents are really worried about their kids not having an imagination or even for there safety they could easily just either 1. get them fun educational games 2. put a block on all sites that you don't want them to go too on a daily basis 3. not let them get on the computer at all. Yes, i think that too much computer usage can affect a child's imagination and social skills but if a parents is being a good parent then they wont let there kid spend that much time on them. I was shocked to see that South Korea was the most wired country out there. So they really do deserve to be called homoenterneticus but i dont know about the rest of us. When the teacher was talking about how kids wont have friends if they didn't play that certain game or do what the other kids were doing broke my heart. That should not be the case at all and those parents need to make their kids go play outside. Its good for them and will help them not be anti-social. Choosing to allow their kids to spend hours upon end on the computer can effect the relationships they have and cause them not to form more. The videos made a great point when they said that we do not spend enough time with each other because we are constantly picking up our phones to do other things. Even silly things such as play little games that take no skill or time. Did Tim Berns-Lee create an awesome thing when he created the web? Yes, but we need to be responsible with it.


                Myspace is a social networking site that was created in August of 2003. The site was created so that it could use the same cool features that Friendster had but become even better than the already popular site. The first users on myspace where all people who worked within eUniverse. When creating their myspace they had a competition to see who could get the most friends in a certain amount of time. The workers used all the resources that they had to attempt to get many users to use this site. Since they already had a huge database of emails they used the 20 million emails they had to send out a mass email about becoming a part of myspace. This email caused myspace to spread like wild fire. When the age limit for Facebook was set so that only high school students and above i decided to get a myspace. In all honesty i have no earthly clue why i decided to get one and it was really super lame now that i think about it. I was always searching for new ways to get a cool background or cool glitter font on the front of my page. It was soo overrated and just like facebook now it consumed my life!!! like i didn't go a day without getting on it atleast 4 times. I feel so dumb now that i think about how i was addicted to it but i guess that is part of life. Now i feel as if the only people that are still on myspace are small town people or even small bands. In late 2010 Myspace decided that they were no longer going to compete with Facebook that they were going to become more centered around music. I think this was a awesome idea and possibly one of the only ways they would make it on the web.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What is YouTube?

What is YouTube?
       Wikipedia Says that "YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos." But the real question is what is not youtube? As goofy as that sounds it is so true. No matter what you are searching for you can find it on Youtube. In the video above it discuss how it all started with a video at the zoo, it no longer is just simple videos such as the first one. There is everything from dancing,singing, talking, and even news reports. It has become global and is growing every single day."Youtube was growing by 75 percent each week" The Youtube Reader

Daily Impact
        Everybody has those awful days where everything just goes completely wrong and nothing turns out the way they want it too. I have these days every once in awhile and i always turn tou YouTube to cheer me up. You can always find a funny video that will make you smile no matter what. I have always loved to watch Americas Funniest Home Videos and pretty much every single episode is loaded on too YouTube. Not only does this website cheer people up but is also used in classrooms around the world. Teachers use this site to show videos of the news, weather, and other topics they might be discussing in the classroom. I personally have experience many classes that use YouTube for their presentation. One of my professors liked to use the Bed Intruder video for many diffrent things such as black face.

Establishing Identity

         As well all know Justin Bieber started his identity on YouTube. It all started out as him just singing for the fun of it and a company found his video. He is a very talented singer but im sure the face that he is very good looking and has the cutest smile helps out alot. Not all people establish a good name for themselves but many people try too. On YouTube their are videos of people who can not sing at all but still have thousands of hits because people enjoy making fun of them or having a good laugh for the day. We all know that we are all guilty of this, but in reality they do it to themselves. YouTube has influnced many peoples future and made many people millions of dollars because of them either being really talented or being really dumb and acting a fool.

The Future
         There are many things that could happen in the future. The fact of the matter is the entire future is in our hands. We are the ones that will decide if the next up and coming star will come from YouTube. We can either send tons of links to one funny video or we can let the millions and millions of videos that are on YouTube go unwatched. The generation that is living now will be the generation that chooses if many other websites will go out of buisness and stop uploading videos to their site. What will happen when it comes to this, an the website becomes completely overloaded and will start to make you pay for the videos to be uploaded. Will this cause audiences to stop watching? Or is it so addiction that millions of people would pay money for it? Its up to us to decide.

Video Memorials

          Video Memorials are something that i do not understand at all. I feel as if they are weird and not suppose to be uploaded to the web. I can understnad if the memorial video is for a famous person or someone who is a very significant person in our world, but not if it is just your best friend. Im sure the only person or people that are even watching the one about someone who is not known are all friends of that person. Therefore i think those should just be uploaded to a facebook, or myspace page. Yes, these videos are very important to there loved ones and friends but is it really necessary for the entire world to be able to see them?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

10 Things about ME!

1. I am from Tuscaloosa, AL
2. I love shoes!!

3. I am in Alpha Chi Omega

4. I love Jesus
5. I am very outgoing and love to talk!!
6. I love love love sports!

7. One of my favorite TV shows is GLEE!!

8. I love to sing even though i cant sing :)
9. My family and friends mean the world to me.

10. I am a very spontaneous person!