Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do we really live in public?

Last week in class we watched a video called We Live In Public. This video blew me out of the water. I had no clue what to think or even know where to begin to think. I thought it was so weird how they put them in the things under ground to study them. Considering he got bored i do not think the people ever actually got  studied. The way they lived in the public through the videos was crazy and i am more than positive that i could never do that! the way they had sex and were all over each other was ridiculous and i think that they did it just for all the looks. i am sure that many of the people that watched their videos had little of no life anyways considering as soon as something intense happened they would all jump on their computers. that just goes to show that their relationship was all made up of what they would talk about after they did it. This could not have been healthy for their relationship or for there personal life. When they broke up everything started to slow down and deciding to cut off LIFE IN PUBLIC was a great idea. It was so uncalled for and not healthy. I think that it is very interesting how much he accomplished and how many times he would get bored and want to move on with life! its more than crazy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So there is probably just a few sports i have not given a chance to in my life. One of these sports is Golf. My entire family besides myself plays golf but i have not found that passion. My younger brother loves golf and plays it any time he has a spare moment to pick up a club. Even if he is not out on the course you can catch him hitting balls down the hall of our house or even in the TV room. Today he had a huge match!! It was the city county tournament and he was a tad bit nervous. I have never been to one of his matches before so today i went. It was very different from the sports i have played but was still awesome. My entire family was at the course and it was so fun to just spend time together and watch my brother. He played as the number #3 seed because he is just a sophomore so the seniors got the 1 and 2. This put less pressure on my brother and he kicked butt! it was so fun to just sit back and enjoy time with my family without having anything major to worry about! It was just a great time that reminded me how much I put off on my family and expect so much from them and how i do not even acknowledge them for the things they do for me. I love how God will just remind you of little things like this! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have had so much going on in my life lately and from the experience i had last weekend i have learned that I am soo soo soo selfish. I had the opportunity to lead 6 and 7th grade girls at a disciple now and through those cute little girls i learned so much. The main thing that I Learned is that in my life i have been blessed with so much and i go through my daily life being so upset about one little thing but in reality my little upsets are nothing compared to what some people are going through. I learned that when searching for my passion i don't need to search in my feelings because at the end of the day my feeling are not going to make or break me and i serve a risen God that has given me a chance at life and that he paid the ultimate price for me to be here on earth so i should praise him for that day i have and forget about yesterday because his plan is bigger than mine and if i am in a bad mood from yesterday i wont listen to what all He has to say to me. Its crazy for me to think about the fact that these little girls are searching for God so strongly and have so much passion that at that age i did not have or even have anything close to what they have. God always send little gifts that remind you who you are and what he has in store for you if you listen. Even when life gets crazy and you mess up all the time he will always pick you up and tell you he loves you!


1. In your opinion, is sampling a form of copyright infringement? 
Explain your position
- I think that sampling is in no way a form of copyright. I feel like if someone was using mass amounts of time of one song or another that it would be copyright but not just a couple seconds here and there. Many people think that the beat should not be stolen but in all reality someone could make a beat today and tomorrow that exact same beat could be recreated a day or two later. I am sure that there are many instances like this that happen all the time. If i was the one who made this beat or even wrote the song I am sure that i would feel a little different but from the outside looking in i think that it is wrong to consider sampling as copyright.

2. Some people, such as Lawrence Lessig (a founder of Creative Commons), say that technology enables more creativity, others feel that new technology allows musical artist to take the easy route and just patch together pieces of music created by someone else.Where do you stand on this issue? Where do you think the filmmakers stand?
- I believe that you can look at this issue both ways but that both ways are true/not true. Technology allows the artist to make cool sound effects or even to speed the process of making the music together because they could mess up on one single word and instead of starting all over they can just patch it together. Is this lazy? Some say yes it is but most of the people that feel this way are ones who never had the opportunity to use this technology so therefore they could just be a tad jealous. I think that the people that made the film feel as if it is lazy because through out the movie they talk the entire time about how they have never got the credit they think they deserve for all the beats and music that they made. They make a good point about this but its time to move on with life and except the fact that we have technology.

3. Does re purposing a piece of music always have a detrimental effect on the way the original recording is perceived? Does it always cut into the profits of the owner of the original recording? Why or why not?
- When pieces of music are redone there usually is a huge gap in time between the time that the song was originally recorded and the time it was recreated. With this said I believe that yes it can change that was it is perceived but not the profits from the original owner. As time passes the lingo and the way people think is changed.So if a song was written in the older days it could be innocent and sweet but could now be taken by a teenager today as perverted. This fact is sad but its so true. Usually if there is a big time gap there will also not be many people buying the original song. If there are a good bit of people in all honesty it is going to be people who lived in the time period of that song and they are going to care nothing about the new song that is put out.